Tuesday 7 May 2013

BikeSafe London - The Joy

Well what a great weekend in all. The highlight for me was when I undertook the “BikeSafe-London” motorcycle training course. It is a day’s event around London where you spend the day in briefings and riding with Motorcycle police officers.

The initial briefing is about 1-1.5 hrs and is very useful, and in my session was a real laugh. We had some real characters and an eclectic bunch of people. We saw some interesting videos and a fair bit of “psychology” was involved. Once we got the initial greeting done, and a mug o’ tea down us, it was time to go out on the road.

We were paired up with an officer for the day, and were advised on the various hand signals going to be used. I did notice that there was no use of intercoms.. Instruction was based upon signals from the officer following behind. The idea was simple. It was to encourage concentration and proper use of the rear view mirrors.

I was so, so nervous as I chose to go out first, so I was on my best behaviour. Speed limits, control, lifesavers….but because I was nervous I missed some opportunities to “Filter” where I would normally have done.

The rides were more in town, and this brief session was for the police officer to assess our riding style and pitch where the afternoon was going to go.

We arrived for lunch at a “Franky n’ Benny” which was actually a real nice lunch. It was here the officer briefing each of us on his initial observation.

He noticed my nervousness, and started to illustrate to us how to extend our vision and how to initiate proper road positioning.

We got back out, and I was ready now for it, and much more relaxed. As we were leaving the service area the heavens opened and Hail and rain poured in such a torrent that my visor could have been under water!!!
It lasted about 10 mins, then the sun was out and stayed out for the duration. I was trying to put into practise what the officer had told us, and surprised at how much easier it made riding on the roads. Mainly because it provided me with an extended view of the road ahead and potential hazards. It was also noted by the officer as at the next half way briefing he was pleased with my progress.

We continued the afternoon going mainly round country lanes, faster and faster. (Within the speed limit) It was fantastic leaning around the curves and bends at decent speeds all the while feeling totally confident of my abilities and the bikes handling. I was really pushing myself.

We ended back at the police station where we gulped down another brew and had a last safety briefing and given some freebies. Which are very good indeed. A team photo was taken and then we all parted ways. I ended the day signing up to become an IAM member and training to take my IAM test. This was on the advice of the office with me for the day. They right out a report and score us on each aspect of riding control.. My report was glowing, and the scores were really good.

He was impressed, especially as I had not been riding for long. I fully encourage all fellow bikers to do this day, as above all it is a great days riding.

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