Thursday 18 October 2012

R.I.P CBF :-(

Today is a SAD day

i woke up at 0600 as normal, got dressed ready to brave the new morning by taking the dog for the usual wee and walk. Bleary eyed and half asleep, walked down my side way out into the street. i pulled my collar up because the wind was finding its way down my neck and i really wanted to keep the sleep time warmth in my body for at least 5 more minutes.

i noticed it was damp, so we had had rain. i got to the end of the road and my mind wandered... i felt something nagging at my conscious? what was it.. not sure!

i walked the dog round by which time my senses had come to at least 40% activity, as i turned back into my sidewalk, there it was!!!! or wasn't in this case.

my nagging consciousness had picked it up before my mind had a chance this this morning. Someone had "Nick'd" my motorbike :-(

i have not yet had it more than 4 months, it was also not much older than that in terms of newness.. and it was gone. Not even a footprint, stray chocolate bar wrapper or cut chain left behind.

so, whoever took it had to literally "Lift and Shift" i hope they feckin' hurt themselves trying to cut the chain and disc lock off.....

i called the Police, got a crime reference number, they said all the right things although i knowingly nodded in all the right places, felt that i will not see "Poppa" again.

i am sooooo P'd off more to the point that my local town is becoming a shite place to live, because this is the 4th theft locally i have heard of. What is happening to it all. If i ever caught em, i would knock the shite out of them with the chain.

The only positive to come out of all this, is that it was insured so should expect recompense to the fullest amount, and i have my full bike test in 4 weeks, so i will wait no for the test results and replace "Poppa" with a bigger more long term bike "Poppa Mk2".

Monday 15 October 2012

DAS...Boot?, nahhhh

Guess what ? wonderful peeps. i have gone and done it.... booked my motobike DAS license course. i am totally and utter "bricking it" right now, because i fall to bits with any sort of test. i think maybe i have OCD because i cannot handle chaos in my little Solar System.

anyway the dates are in 13th/14th Nov for the module 1 and 27th for module 2.. so as of no i am officially in practise mode.

wish me luck peeps. i'll post nearer the time and may get some pics.

Monday 8 October 2012

Football (with traffic)

This morning had a small issue with a BMW driver. He was not going to let me through the traffic via filtering, (Knob...!) but i did manage to get through.

anyway the lights were nearby and we met again, but this time he gave me a sarcastic nod, and sped off round the next corner.

during this proces though he drove over my foot..... OOOOOOWWWW it hurt a bit, but i had new boots on which seemed to have a bit of support. This helped a lot i think.

i actually caught him up on the next bend (He didn't get far....) gave him a salute and filtered off into the morning to meet my destination.

foot is swelling up a bit, but it will be alright.

Monday 1 October 2012

Parking Woes

Hey All

today i got a parking ticket courtesy of "Westminster Council". admittedly, it was my fault.... i failed to see and read a notice to say the bike bay was suspended, and carried on as usual...

what save the bike from being towed was the fact that i was having a chat with the doorman of my offices, and he is a bike as well. In passign he happened to mention that he had to park further away...blah blah blah..

i shot back to my office got changed and legged it to the parking bay.....

phew i was OK, the bike was not towed, but had a bloody traffic wardens love note pinned to my screen. £65 please....


needless to say i have learnt another effing lesson.... always check the parking surroundings before leaving you bike...